What is DNS?

Created on 6 January, 2023 | 246 views | 1 minutes read

A DNS lookup, also known as a DNS query, is the process of requesting DNS information from a DNS server.

DNS stands for Domain Name System. It is the system that translates human-readable website names (such as www.example.com) into computer-readable IP addresses (such as When you enter a domain name into your web browser, your computer contacts a DNS server and requests the IP address for that domain. The DNS server then responds with the IP address, and your computer uses that address to communicate with the server hosting the website.

What is a DNS lookup?

A DNS lookup, also known as a DNS query, is the process of requesting DNS information from a DNS server. When you enter a domain name into your web browser, your computer performs a DNS lookup to find the corresponding IP address. The DNS lookup is performed by a client program, such as a web browser, and the results are returned by a DNS server.

What are DNS lookup tools?

DNS lookup tools are utilities that allow you to perform DNS queries and view the results. There are many DNS lookup tools available, both online and as standalone software. Some common features of DNS lookup tools include the ability to:

  • Query specific DNS record types (such as A, MX, or TXT records)
  • Trace the path that a DNS query takes from the client to the server
  • View the results of a DNS query in different formats (such as a list or a graphical representation)

Some examples of DNS lookup tools include dig, nslookup, and host. These tools are often used by network administrators and website developers to troubleshoot DNS issues and test DNS configurations.

Updated on 27 July, 2024

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